When does the membership window open?

The membership window opens annually on March 1st. All applications must be completed and submitted electronically by March 20 to be considered. Late membership packets will not be accepted.

How does an applicant begin the process?

In order to begin the application process please contact the VP Membership for the chapter in which you are interested. Their emails can be found on our TVIA website.

What happens next?

After the VP Membership receives your inquiry you will be invited to attend a prospective parent information meeting held in February or early March. This is a meeting for parents only in which you will learn about TVIA. We have 6 chapters of TVIA and each chapter holds a prospective parent meeting at a different time and day. You may attend any chapter’s prospective parent meeting as the same information will be communicated at each meeting. It is highly recommended that you attend one of these meetings in order to access information about TVIA membership.

Who can apply?

Membership applications for teen boys entering 7th grade are accepted during the application window (March 1-20). We offer new memberships in grades 8–10 if space is available. TVIA does not accept new members in 11th and 12th grades.

Can I apply to more than one chapter of TVIA?

No, you can only apply to one chapter.

I have friends in more than one chapter. How do I decide which one to apply to?

All TVIA chapters provide community service throughout San Diego and adhere to the same mission and structure.

Do I need a recommendation?

A recommendation is not required but is extremely helpful to the membership selection process. We will only be accepting a total of 2 recommendations for each application. Recommendations can be submitted by a current TVIA member or from an outside source (i.e. coach, teacher, etc.)

How many boys per grade are offered membership?

Each grade is comprised of approximately 35 members with a total chapter membership of 200. Legacy teens will be offered priority membership in 7th grade. The number of available openings each year fluctuates due to the number of Legacies. Classes may open for new members in the 8th and 9th grades if there have been a number of resignations. If a chapter decides to open a 8th or 9th grade class for new members, this will be shared at all the prospective parent meetings.

What are the dues of membership?

Dues are currently $200 for a family with one son and $100 for each additional son.

What is a legacy?

A Legacy Teen is the older or younger male sibling of current TVIA Teen Members and alumni in good standing, meaning dues were paid, and member requirements were met. A Legacy Teen may also qualify as the older or younger male sibling of a current TVIA Teen Member on “Leave of Absence,” not longer than one year and current on membership dues. A Legacy Teen may only join the Chapter in which a sibling is a current Teen Member, alumni, or Teen Member on “Leave of Absence” and in good standing.

Is there a waitlist?

If the number of applications for membership exceeds the number of openings available, a waitlist will be maintained for the current year’s application process. Applicants may be taken from the waitlist up until the fall kick-off event (this date varies by chapter but is usually in the end of August/early September). After that date anyone remaining on the waitlist who continues to be interested in TVIA will need to reapply during the next annual membership drive. After completion of the membership process, if there is space available in other chapters, waitlisted applicants may be contacted to determine if they would consider having their application forwarded for review by another chapter. As a completely volunteer run organization, it is necessary to limit our membership numbers. TVIA makes every effort to place all qualified applicants in the program.

If I find out about TVIA after the membership drive closes can I still apply?

No. However, you may contact the Vice President of Membership to express your interest and gather more information.